Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You Met Where?

Anyone who has decided to meet their future partners online has confronted the problem of telling their loved ones where they met.


Jack and Diane are just another young American couple growing up in the 1960's. They go to school, they go to church, maybe Jack goes to college, maybe Diane follows. Life is simple. The pressures of the modern world were reduced and there was freedom to pursue a loved one as far and as intense as possible. Nowadays the pressure to succeed has superseded personal happiness, and that means that many of those high school sweethearts that had wedding bands in their 1960's future are now just test runs for the adult dating world. Progress? Maybe. But the issue then becomes where do you meet interested companions?


The Web has become and increasingly safe and dependable resources for contacting interested mates, but it still has a negative stigma, even for Christian daters, due to the malice that many users had in the 1990's. So when you meet the family and they ask you that all-important questions of ho you met, many couples that met online feel that they can't tell the truth for fear of being mocked or have their important relationship criticized by loved ones.


Nay! Go ahead and tell them that you met on a Christian dating site! The world is full of couples that met at bars or speed dating, or even using matchmaking services, so why not tell them that you were keen-eyed enough to see the power of utilizing a tool like the Christina dating world to find your partner? You should be proud that you were able to prioritize your values enough to realize that you want to be a partner with someone who loves and appreciates that same God that you do, and who wants to make it a major role in their life together. Your parents, your partners parents, friends, coworkers, and the church will all respect you honesty and admire you for pursing your goals. There is absolutely no reason to feel awkward. Confidence!


The major setback of most relationships is that they might harbor guilt about the way in which they met. Non-Christian daters have to cope with poor decisions made after a night of drinking, and they have to own up to their moral follies and professional shortcomings as a result. Y keeping your dates to Christian dating sites you are able to limit the exposure to these negative consequences, and no matter how you think the service is stigmatized, you should always have the ownership to look someone in the eye and tell them that your partner was in exactly the right place at the right time.


One other technique is to deflect the commentary by telling a joke – one that recognizes the separate feelings regarding how to meet people, but that also displays your lack of remorse for having found a partner by the means you chose. Many more people will respond to humor than they will to direct confrontation.


No matter what the reason, always remember that you should always be happy for having met your partner, regardless of circumstances!

About the Author

Kyle Eppard is a proud contributing author and writes articles on several subjects including dating and relationship articles. You can read more of Kyle's articles at Christian Dating located at

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