Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Youth and Petulance are No Excuse

If you have a partner that is younger than you, maybe not as mature as you then you may be familiar with them using youth and petulance as an excuse for misdemeanour. This is not an excuse you are with them because you see them as your future and you really want things to work. But repeatedly your younger partner is cheating on you and doing stupid things throughout your relationship.

If you don't see an improvement in their behaviour towards you then it may be worth cutting things off right now. They will not mature any time soon, and do you really want to be on the end of a waiting game that takes away some of the best years of your life. You need to act now, act in the moment and you will really see the benefits.

If you want to move on with your life then that is more than reasonable, they will have no complaints if they are decent people. However many of you will be wanting to keep this thing going, and keep it working. If you think that your relationship has a chance then don't be afraid to give it a go, but talk to your partner and let them know that they cannot continue to treat you this way.

They must treat you with the respect you deserve, and stop falling back on the youthful and petulant excuses that they have done so often. If you believe that you are able to sort things out then your partner will react in a positive and mature way to begin with, they will hear you out and seek a way through your problems.

Maybe you tell them to curb their spending, and going out all the time. You don't want to act like their parent, but you need to lay down some sort of ground rules in order to get your relationship back on track. If you both don't know where you stand then how on earth are you going to build a future?

If you see this person as the love of your life then it is imperative you build upon what you have already in a mature fashion. Giving yourself a chance is the only way you are going to move forward with your life. You will need to build your life around your relationship for a short while, but it will be worth it.

About the Author

Larry Elrod is a writer for the Seduction Road Map, a site that teaches men all over the world about seducing women and how to pick up beautiful women.

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