Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An Aquarium Date Will Keep Things Fishy

If you think you can get the best out of a first date, and getting everything you want out in the open on a first date then the aquarium is for you. And it is an even better date idea because no one really thinks of it. No one considers the aquarium a date venue so you will most probably be the first to take her on one.

Knowing that you will be the first to take her on a date like this is power; it gives you the power to make a good impression quite easily. Given this, do your best to do a little bit of research before you go to the aquarium learn your blowfish from your sea lion and you will make the most of it. Knowing that you can do this is a huge advantage, and allows you room to manoeuvre.

The fish are interesting also; you can make little gimmicks all the way around the aquarium and actually enjoy yourself on a date. You can have more fun at a neutral venue, and you will make the most of a day that you are both going to enjoy. You will get fantastic results from the day, and you are almost guaranteed to get a call back from the lady, if you don't do anything stupid.

She will think you are thoughtful, kind and a lot of fun and those three amigos will get the best out of you and her. You will be able to know things on the first date, that at no other point you could find out. You can learn all sorts from someone given the fact that you know your fish. If you can impress with intelligence as well then you almost have the full package, you have the ability to really turn her on.

And if you can turn her on, the rest really doesn't matter, after all we all know that 80% of attraction is based on looks. That is the only reason in which you need to get the best out of your date, because you secretly just want to get laid. Companionship maybe on the horizon as well, but nowhere near as much as you actually want her.

So take her to the aquarium, show her some cute penguins, and you could be cosying up to keep her warm, on those long cold nights.

About the Author

Larry Elrod is a writer for the Seduction Road Map, a site that teaches men all over the world about how to get laid and how to seduce women.

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