Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Right Person Is Out There Waiting For You

Being a veterinarian is a very rewarding career. I love animals and would never trade my job in for anything. I have been able to save many animal lives, as well as bring peace of mind to many different animal owners. However, I have not been as successful with a love life as I have had in my career.

Successful matchmakers have not been helping me out to find a good man to be with. My last boyfriend was someone I had met through work actually. He was a client who had come in with a dog that he wanted to have neutered. We went out a few times, and things seemed to be going great. At least that is what I thought. We dated for a little over a month and I thought that he was a great person. I could not have been more wrong about him.

I went to his house to have dinner one night, and when I walked into his house, it was the worst type of living condition imaginable to house a pet. Instead of letting the dog out, he kept it penned up in this little tiny cage. I had thought I had seen some funny sores on the dog the last time I had it in my vet, but did not think that something this bad was happening to it. I think it is needless to say that I did not continue that dating relationship, and I had to call the humane society about the situation.

So, after that experience I decided to use more successful online dating websites to help me establish a love life. Online dating was the choice I made and I have never been more satisfied with that choice. I have been dating this amazing guy for about 8 months, and things are wonderful. He is smart, sophisticated and very funny. I only wish that I had used online dating first rather than the last.

If you have not tried online dating, please give it a chance, it will really change your life. Even if you do not find the right person right away, give it a chance. The right person is out there waiting for you.

About the Author

Lizzy B is an experienced writer on relationships and the dating industry. She has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Lizzy's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature professional singles, relationships, and matchmaking services. Lizzy's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

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