Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Men Want In A Woman No 54: A Member Of EQ Mensa

What men want in a woman is someone who is an "emotional genius." Now what can I be talking about this time? Have you heard of the group, Mensa? It's basically a group for gifted people with an extremely high IQ in a particular field. Now, this field is for people with a high IQ (98th percentile), but there is no category for a high EQ. In the last few decades or so, it has been repeatedly proven however that people with a high EQ get more out of life than those with a high IQ. This is even more so the case in a relationship. Let's see why this is the case.

1. Response-ability Defined

People with a high EQ realize that their entire world is shaped by how they response to everything. You could be living on the same world as me, but living on an entirely different planet, depending on how you view the world.

The easiest example is the whole "half empty, half full" paradox. You have a glass with water half way. Is half empty, or half full? Supposedly, people with a negative outlook on life would say half empty, while those who are positive say half full. Which one are you?

2. Response-ability Examples

There are examples of people with a high IQ who have a low EQ. Geniuses who are stuck at university or college but don't have the skills to make friends often commit crimes to get attention (or for other reasons beyond comprehension).

That's extreme. In the scope of a relationship, someone who is response-able knows how to react to someone who's angry, sad, happy, disappointed, stressed out, etc. This skill ensures that the relationship always stays on track and that every event in the relationship builds it up.

3. Self-Awareness

This is sort of like response-ability but only for yourself. Have you had those times where you feel completely overwhelmed by what's happening around you? At the time of writing this article, there have been some natural disasters happening all over the world. I can't help but feel like I should be doing something.

Of course, you calm down eventually and you realize that you're doing what you can. Some people let it get to them and it stresses them out. It really isn't that bad, as long as you're aware of where you fit in the world. It's exactly the same for relationships. You might feel that it's bad, but then you realize that some people have no one, or have so much less than you do.

What men want in a woman is someone who is an emotional genius. She is response-able, self-aware and in general, is more complete an individual than other people. Men need women who are emotional geniuses to have a healthy relationship.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

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