Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Men Want In A Woman: Someone Who Sees The Lighter Side Of Life

What men want in a woman is someone who doesn't take life so seriously. A lot of couples plan out their entire lives together, only to find that due to a small hiccup, eg. Unexpected baby, death in the family, promotion, etc. their entire plans are thrown out of balance. If you can't adapt to change that might happen tomorrow, you could be doing your marriage damage. Men who marry women who can take it easy and who realize that everything's going to be OK have lower stress levels. Their men also appreciate them more for not making matters worse. Here's three ways you can see the lighter side of life, starting immediately.

1. Realize that nothing is forever

When did you last see your husband? This morning, before he left for work? Yesterday? A few hours ago? Anything can happen. He could be gone, in an instant. He might slip and fall. He might have a heart attack, or a brain haemorrhage.

Women who plan to have their man around forever get destroyed when this sort of thing happens. Their entire future is in tatters. That won't be you if you realize that all things come to an end. Make the most of your man while you can. This will change your mind set for the better.

2. Everything will be OK

Sometimes, things are going well. You're cruising through life. You're married to the man of your dreams, he's got a good job, you're both stable. Then BAM. He gets fired, you're left with a mortgage and things don't seem so certain anymore.

People who cling onto hope, perish. People who get depressed don't pull through. People who face up to the reality of the situation come out the other end stronger. All because they realize that everything will be OK. It's not the end of the world.

3. Laugh at little things

Remember when you were a kid and everything was funny? Why can you be like that right now? I often laugh at dumb things, like when someone falls over. Is that considered immature?

It shouldn't be. If your man is overly serious, get him to live in the moment and find humor from the little things in life. He'll appreciate you for it.

What men want in a woman is someone who can teach him how to laugh and enjoy the little things in life, someone who they can pull through the tough times in life with and someone who realizes that every moment spent together could be their last. It's hard not to love a woman like that.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

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