Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What You Don't Know Unsettles You

What we don't know doesn't hurt us, but when something does happen and we don't know the full extent of what happened life can play tricks on us. We suddenly become suspicious of people all the time, we struggle to trust our partners and life becomes a lot harder in the short term.

A night where we weren't around and an ex stayed over by chance plays on our minds. It may well have been completely innocent but because we do not know all the facts we struggle to comprehend trust. We do not know who to believe and have no way of knowing what is really true. It is at this moment when our relationship becomes a joke and we can't carry on anymore.

Either we walk away because there is a lack of trust or we drive the person we love away with our lack of trust. It can become tiresome arguing about the same thing over and over again, and that fatigue generally leads to one outcome. There are no easy ways around a lack of trust, but hard work can pay dividends.

Life is what we make it and we need to be able to trust the girl we love in order to go forward with things. If we cannot do that then how can we even begin to move forward with the relationship? Given that they trust us and we have no reason to believe they did anything how can we not trust them.

The uncertainty of everything unsettles you and this is what causes jitters in a relationship but if we are not able to express ourselves freely, do as we please out of fear of persecution from the one we love. How can we carry on? How can anyone begin to trust the one they love if they cannot take their word for an incident that has taken place?

Just because your partner has been exposed to a situation that looks suss, doesn't mean they have done anything they shouldn't have. The way in which we distrust our partners most of the time ensures that we have a struggle on our hands to build up trust. If we cannot have that trust then we will struggle with our relationship.

The uncertainty is difficult that is for sure, and it will undoubtedly play on your mind but we need to work hard at being trusting.

About the Author

Larry Elrod is a writer for the Seduction Road Map, a site that teaches men all over the world about how to attract a woman and how to get a girl in bed.

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