Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Men Want In A Woman No 49: Women Who Are Always Right

What men want in a woman is someone who thinks they are always right. Now, this is something that is usually considered a pretty annoying trait to have. People who think they are always right are cocky, hard to deal with and just a plain pain in the butt. So why do I love it that my wife thinks she's always right? Well, what's the alternative? Someone who's entirely subservient and has no opinion and no passion to support her view. Someone who thinks they are always right has conviction, even if their opinion is considered wrong. I'll talk about more reasons why your man secretly thinks it's good if you think you're always right.

1. You're not boring

With women who have an opinion and always think that they're in the right, it's never a dull moment with them. You can stay up with them all night, talking about this and that and they'll always have their own opinion.

That's a lot better than having a woman who agrees with everything you say. Could you imagine how quiet the house would be? That's not fun at all.

2. You communicate

Women who have an opinion talk more (than usual). If they talk more, we talk more. Communication increases and the connection between the two people generally get stronger.

Again, someone who has no opinion on anything can't be argued with. I personally think that I would rather have a quarrel than settle for someone who has nothing to say. Some men may differ from me, but in general, I think communicating is a good thing.

3. They can agree with you

Only because these women think that they are always right, it doesn't mean that they can't agree with you at the same time. Intelligent women can hold two opposing views simultaneously and appreciate the reasons that support them.

It's safe to say that in general, us guys like intelligent women. Intelligent women usually also are quite emotionally strong. They don't lean entirely on one opinion and get emotionally caught up in supporting it.

What men want is a woman who is always right. Yes, we will argue more with her. Yes, we won't always get along with her, but the alternative is so much more boring. As harsh as it sounds, women who have no opinion are more boring and it's hard to establish a connection with them.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman No 54: A Member Of EQ Mensa

What men want in a woman is someone who is an "emotional genius." Now what can I be talking about this time? Have you heard of the group, Mensa? It's basically a group for gifted people with an extremely high IQ in a particular field. Now, this field is for people with a high IQ (98th percentile), but there is no category for a high EQ. In the last few decades or so, it has been repeatedly proven however that people with a high EQ get more out of life than those with a high IQ. This is even more so the case in a relationship. Let's see why this is the case.

1. Response-ability Defined

People with a high EQ realize that their entire world is shaped by how they response to everything. You could be living on the same world as me, but living on an entirely different planet, depending on how you view the world.

The easiest example is the whole "half empty, half full" paradox. You have a glass with water half way. Is half empty, or half full? Supposedly, people with a negative outlook on life would say half empty, while those who are positive say half full. Which one are you?

2. Response-ability Examples

There are examples of people with a high IQ who have a low EQ. Geniuses who are stuck at university or college but don't have the skills to make friends often commit crimes to get attention (or for other reasons beyond comprehension).

That's extreme. In the scope of a relationship, someone who is response-able knows how to react to someone who's angry, sad, happy, disappointed, stressed out, etc. This skill ensures that the relationship always stays on track and that every event in the relationship builds it up.

3. Self-Awareness

This is sort of like response-ability but only for yourself. Have you had those times where you feel completely overwhelmed by what's happening around you? At the time of writing this article, there have been some natural disasters happening all over the world. I can't help but feel like I should be doing something.

Of course, you calm down eventually and you realize that you're doing what you can. Some people let it get to them and it stresses them out. It really isn't that bad, as long as you're aware of where you fit in the world. It's exactly the same for relationships. You might feel that it's bad, but then you realize that some people have no one, or have so much less than you do.

What men want in a woman is someone who is an emotional genius. She is response-able, self-aware and in general, is more complete an individual than other people. Men need women who are emotional geniuses to have a healthy relationship.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

How to Know if a Guy Really Loves You? Signs Your Man Truly Adores You

Men can be quite mysterious. Any woman who has spent time with a new guy will attest to this fact. Sometimes it's impossibly hard to read a man. You think you know what he's feeling and then suddenly he'll do something that suggests otherwise. When it comes to knowing what's in his heart you may just be facing a challenge. The question of how to know if a guy really loves you is one that women have been asking forever. Luckily, there are a few signs that do indicate when a man is crazy in love and once you know what you need to look for, you can find comfort in knowing that you're the only woman he craves and desires.

One answer to the question of how to know if a guy really loves you is he'll constantly push you to spend time with him. A man in love wants nothing more than to be with the woman he adores. He'll move his schedule around, he'll drive across town and he'll linger until the very last minute if he's crazy about you. If you're with a man who rarely makes the time to see you, his heart doesn't belong to you quite yet.

Another of the signs your man can't get enough of you is he'll actually call you and will immediately return your missed calls. Most of us have struggled with understanding what phone calls mean but the rules are fairly straightforward. If you never hear from him unless you pick up the phone to call him, he's nowhere near being desperately in love with you yet. The same is true if he doesn't return your messages. He hasn't put you near the top of his priority list yet. A man in love will call his woman several times each day just to hear her voice and he'll never want the calls to end.

Have you had the opportunity to meet the other important people in his life yet? This is actually a great way to gauge how much you mean to a man. Men tend to be a little standoffish when it comes to immersing their new girlfriends in their inner circle. They don't rush to introduce a new woman to their friends and family simply because they're unsure about whether the relationship is actually going to last. That's why it's so telling if your guy has already brought you home to meet his family and you also hang out with his friends. He sees you as an integral part of his life in this case and he wants the people that matter most to him to know you as well.

It's also wise to pay close attention to his body language. If you want to know if a guy really loves you take note of how often he tries to hold your hand or he reaches out to kiss you. A man in love generally can't keep his hands off the woman he's crazy about. Even though some men aren't comfortable with public displays of affection that typically changes behind closed doors. If he wants to be close physically with you take that as a reflection of what he feels in his heart.

About the Author

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this informative site!

You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

My Boyfriend Says I'm Annoying! How to Change His Attitude About You

It's natural that you'd want your boyfriend to love everything about you. It's what we all dream of. We all want a man who sees us as the ideal mate and perfect partner. If your boyfriend suddenly starts to make comments that aren't flattering it stings. If you're a woman who has been saying, "my boyfriend says I'm annoying," you're in a difficult position. His critical words are bound to hurt you more than anything and unless you handle this the right way you can actually push him away. You need to learn how to take his opinion and use it to not only improve who you are but to make the relationship stronger than it's ever been before.

If you've been saying, "my boyfriend says I'm annoying," it's probably been virtually impossible to move past the pain those words have caused you. Criticism is difficult for most of us to accept and it's even harder if the person sharing the negative words is the man we adore most in the world. You must, however, take a step back and look at your relationship as a whole. If you two get along otherwise and you haven't heard him share any other derogatory thoughts about you, it's important that you see his words for what they are. He may have told you that you're annoying because there are things that you've been doing that bother him. None of us is perfect and it's crucial that you recognize that before you blow the situation out of proportion.

Think calmly and honestly about what you may be doing that is being absorbed as annoying behavior on his part. Some men find it brutally annoying when their girlfriend calls them repeatedly throughout the day. Although it's lovely to stay in touch with one another, it can become too much if he's busy with work or other things and his cell phone keeps ringing indicating you're calling. Another reason some men become find their girlfriend's behavior irritating is focused on commitment. If you're continually pushing him to make a commitment to you and he's not ready to do that, he'll soon grow tired of your subtle and not-so-subtle hints at marriage.

Solving this issue isn't complicated at all. You must first identify what you are doing that he's finding annoying. If you've given it some thought and still have no idea, ask him. It may feel like you're opening a can of worms by doing so, but it's actually a very healthy and positive step for your relationship. By allowing your man the chance to express what he feels in relation to you, you're encouraging him to continue doing that in the future.

Once you know what you've been doing that is irritating him, it's as simple as changing. Work hand on eliminating the behavior patterns that are contributing to his feeling that you're annoying. That's not to say that you need to alter the woman you are to please a man but if there are specific things you are saying or doing that he finds unappealing, it's certainly helpful to change those before he decides that he isn't willing to overlook them anymore.

About the Author

When a woman makes a critical mistake in her relationship it can damage it forever. If you've done anything that has caused your man to pull back, there is a way for you to get his interest back now.

Learn how to erase just about any mistake with your man by clicking here.

What Men Want In A Woman No 62: Female Happiness

What men want in a woman is happiness. Depression is a big problem in both genders; for men, the main issues are not being able to adequately provide and getting pressure at work. For women, the main issues are being overwhelmed by their emotions and letting doubt and fear get the better of them. If you consider yourself a woman who isn't happy enough, then maybe some of the following three situations may be a problem for you.

1. Dropping affection from your man

This is a problem that affects women all over the world, simply because they feel that their man are distancing themselves away from their women over time. This is a normal occurrence in all relationships, yet some women let it get to them to a greater extent.

Take it from a man who's going through it right now. This is actually what's going through my head, since I've been noticing it in my own marriage too: I'm not loving my wife less, I'm realizing that now that we're spending more time than ever together, our time apart is all the more that valuable. I want to appreciate her more, which is why I'm spending less time with her.

2. What If This Happens?...

Another problem which plagues both genders is the occurrence of a disaster. If you're anything like me, then you will have had those negative thoughts plaguing through your head. Even when I was young, I would always think, "If my parents died tomorrow, would I be able to look after myself and my little brother?"

Now, the problem is, "if I died tomorrow, would my wife be able to look after our daughter?" I don't know what conversation goes on inside your head, but what I do to calm down is that I forget about it. The time I spend stressing out over "what ifs" is time I could spend playing with my daughter and enjoying time with my wife.

3. Is He Into Her... Or Her... Or Her?

Again, this is another problem that all people face. Arguably, women face it more, but only if they're more insecure or unhappy with themselves.

Ladies, it's actually OK if guys check out other women. It doesn't mean he's less interested in you at all. That shouldn't stop you from doing the same either. If both people can do it, they have an open, honest relationship, which is better than being jealous any day. Be happy that you can do that at all, some countries prevent you from talking at the opposite gender lest you want to be hurt.

What men want in a woman is someone who is happy with themselves. This comes from taking life less seriously, not stressing out over hypothetical situations and not assuming the worst if your man seems to not pay as much attention to you. If you confront him that will actually make him love you less since it will show him that you're insecure.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman No 57: A Realist

What men want in a woman is someone who is a realist. Now, I'm not talking about property (realtor) or realism (arts), I'm talking about a realist in the sense that they are realistic about their relationship with their man. There are several women in the world who float through life, never being fully aware of themselves, nor their man. They get married, simply for the thrill of marriage and wonder where it all went a few years down the track. Women who face reality not only stand to have more satisfying marriages, they also build stronger relationships with their husbands as well. Here are three situations where you have to face the facts.

1. Your man can leave/die at any moment.

I don't want to scare you, but your husband can die at any moment, like right now when you finish reading this sentence. As much as you want a man that you can rely on, you just never know.

That's why it's so important to be thankful and to always make the most of what you have all the time. If you truly, truly understand that every moment is precious, this feeling will be communicated across to your man and he will feel your love (which he will willingly reciprocate).

2. Half of all marriages end up in divorce.

This is sadly another fact of life. People simply don't treat marriage with the respect that they used to do back in the day. Now I'm no old codger, but I didn't get married on a whim. I didn't go to Vegas and marry the first call girl that I saw.

Even if I didn't do that, there's a good chance that I might not make it with my wife down the track. Women who also face this fact appreciate their man for who they are, not who they think they should be.

3. You're Not Perfect.

This is a tough pill to swallow for a lot of women. There's nothing wrong with being the dominant one in a relationship, as long as it doesn't make you think that you're only the dominant one because you're "better" than he is.

Women who realize they aren't perfect constantly try to improve themselves. They are on a more level playing field with their husband, they respect themselves more, which means they also get more respect from their husbands. It's better for them, overall.

What men want in a woman is someone who is realistic. If they're realistic, they have more to get out of the relationship because they're more aware of what there is in the relationship in the first place.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman No 50: Conviction For Us

What men want in a woman is someone who has conviction for their husband. This is an important characteristic that helps to build up the respect and love a husband has for his wife. As cocky and arrogant as we can be at times, men will always look for a woman who will support them when times are tough. Men embrace their role as the breadwinner, but it takes a particular kind of woman to make sure that their man keeps bringing in the dough. Here's three ways to show your support for your man that will make him really appreciate you.

1. Help Out

Us guys can be particular proud and that sometimes gets in the way of our better judgment. Some men do not like their wives helping out in particular tasks but more often than not, he would appreciate you more if you ignored his pigheadedness and did your part.

Some guys completely embrace the "provider" role, but what they realize that they're doing is actually decreasing the respect you have for them. With you helping out, you show that appreciate his hard work and make the marriage work like a partnership ought to work.

2. Undying Support

Nothing makes us feel more warm and fuzzy inside than knowing that our wife is supporting us, especially behind our backs. They say that true respect occurs when you don't bad-mouth someone, even when they're not there and that's especially true for marriages.

For instance, if you're out with girlfriends, they might remark upon how you don't come to parties with her. We might not know what you tell them, but we do know that your support for us makes our hard work that much more rewarding.

3. You're Our Shield

This is like the point above except a bit more severe. Some people get a lot of negative criticism, especially when it seems like the wife is being ignored. Unless the man is an idiot, he would never intentionally ignore his wife.

Defend us and let whoever is attacking us behind our backs know who they're messing with. Again, we'll appreciate you all the more for that.

What men want in a woman is someone who is willing to defend us until the ends of the earth. There is nothing more heartening to a man than a woman who is going to be there for him, even if he is short on time for her.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman No 42: A Growing Partner

What men want in a woman is someone who is there to not only nurture the relationship, but to also nurture and help the man grow. You rarely get into a relationship where you don't influence each other in some way, shape or form. Unless there is virtually no interaction with your partner whatsoever, there will be some growth along the way. Since it will occur anyway, why not maximize the potential and make it so that you grow as much as possible in the time that you're together? Here are three ways that you can help your man grow, which will make him love you more as a result:

1. Dreams

Everyone has dreams. Everyone daydreams about where they would rather be, who they would rather be. Thankfully for you, at least they already are with the person they would rather be with.

So many people never live out their dreams, simply because they don't have what's called an accountability partner. An accountability partner is someone you report to at the end of the day who can gauge your progress. If you don't have one, you'll never turn your dreams into actionable goals.

2. Health

This one is obvious but again, so few people actually do it. When you're living with your partner, you obvious want to foster an environment that will allow children to grow (for the majority of us, anyway).

What you eat will reflect what your children eat. What you say will reflect what your children say. What you think will reflect what your children think. Do you think how you're currently interacting with your partner promotes the healthiest environment, in terms of physical, mental and emotional health?

3. Imperfections

This is somewhat related to dreams, but is more of a "local" and everyday thing. Your man can't achieve what he wants to do due to certain traits that he has. If you're serious about helping him reach his peak, you will identify his imperfections and help him work on them.

This is really key for you as an accountability partner. As a 3rd party, you have a better perspective of him than he does, so you're in the best position to help him out. It all starts with little things like laziness, procrastination and forgetfulness. Iron these traits out and he will appreciate you for it.

What men want in a woman is someone who will grow with them. If the wife can help a man achieve his dreams, promote a healthy environment to live in and help iron out the kinks in his traits.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

Why Do Most Men Fail At Online Dating?

Some guys are naturals when it comes to online dating and girls. But for most of us mere mortals, there is a technique and a process one must master in order to develop into a seasoned online dater. Looks and brains alone aren't enough, in fact too much of a good thing can undermine one's chances.

Many men who, after perusing the chat rooms and online dating sites in search of a mate, end up with more misses than hits - in the majority of cases, mostly misses. Online rejection is one of the biggest issues would-be online daters face. Succeeding with online dating sites requires a little foresight, but most importantly, common sense. The girls have a huge choice of men from which to select, so if you don't stack up it's pretty much a case of 'easy come ease go."

Dating isn't supposed to be rocket science, and even if it were, men are wired in such a way that they would supposedly excel at it. There are two most likely reasons: men overestimate OR underestimate themselves.

There are smart men -- you know, the ones who got straight As in school, the ones who can talk up a storm about any topic. The problem is, they are too smart and eager to share knowledge that they come across as arrogant and so into themselves that women get intimidated or put off by such ignorant attitudes.

Another type of man that may be guilty of overestimating themselves in the dating game are those who've got the looks of a model but the social skills of a goldfish. They are interesting to look at, but become boring after a while. They are so vain that women get the impression that these men are incapable of loving anybody else other than themselves.

Then there are the super virile types who, unlike the model-look-alikes above, appear quite genuinely interested in women, what makes them tick and all, but their approach is so intense, scorching in fact. They ask too many intimate questions too soon (on the first chat, for example) that women (especially those looking for serious relationships and not just cybersex) get turned off.

Your Dating Profile is the Gateway

When initiating contact with a girl, use her dating profile as your instruction manual to find out how she works. Personalize your approach based on her profile description, "I see you're a Pilates fan, how long have you been do classes?" Ask her questions of interest that will provoke a response. Otherwise, if you fail to appeal to her senses, she'll click the delete button in a heartbeat.

Now, those who underestimate themselves are another story. They may have good IQs, good looks and okay social skills but they somehow get so overwhelmed about the whole dating game experience. They get so caught up with not coming across as arrogant that they hide in their shells. Their profiles on dating sites are peppered with dull and vague one-liner descriptions: "Fun, cool, patient, understanding." Of course, women will pass them up because they are B-O-R-I-N-G.

So what does it take for men to succeed in singles chat rooms and casual dating online? Be genuine. Of course, it's the best foot forward, just like when you're applying for a job, but don't present yourself as someone you're not.

And those photos you put on your profile? Pick ones that show the fun, adventurous, warm side of you. Forget those head shots where you're wearing a suit and looking directly at the camera (incidentally, there's a study that says men whose photos show them looking away from the camera, appearing quite detached, tend to score more hits on online dating sites).

Don't forget the power of the first email or chat. Avoid the ‘toos': too vague, too detailed, too intimate. Some men get carried away and write details about themselves starting from birth. Just pick the interesting ones that maybe the other person can relate to. Also, be a little mysterious, don't be too available. Women are a sucker for guys who make them guess.

So wipe away your tears, turn your computer back on, and get back to work!

About the Author

About the author. Matt Fuller writes about a variety of subjects that relate to online dating sites and matchmaking services. Matt has been a matchmaking consultant for nearly a decade.

The Fun of Dating Washington dc

I've had a blast Dating Washington dc! At this point in my life I'm ready for a serious relationship, but because I'm in my 40's I want to make sure that I don't waste my time dating the wrong man any longer.


I am very fortunate to have a lot of friends that can arrange blind dates. To me that's the same as using online dating websites because those are essentially blind dates, but the difference is you don't have a friend in common which makes me feel a bit safer. I was married for eight years and then got divorced. After the divorce I didn't feel like meeting anyone for well over a year. But after healing I'm ready to date again.


Dating Washington dc is great because not only am I fixed up with men through my girlfriends, but I have also begun to explore other ways of meeting men. This city, and the surrounding metropolitan area, are filled with single men, so I've been told. I thought once I hit my age it would be impossible to marry again. Not true!!!


I signed up with some dating sites and even though I was a bit hesitant to take that route, so far it's been smooth sailing. I met some interesting professional men but they weren't quite what I was looking for. I did find a site that held speed dating events and I eagerly signed up for that. A Washington, D.C. social networking site called Professionals in the City, host the event. They also hold other events that sound really fun and are things that I am interested in such as hiking, cooking classes, wine tasting events, salsa lessons, and so much more. I'm not shy so I think I'll have a great time and even if I don't meet the man of my dreams, I may meet other people with whom I can attend other events.


The great thing about this city it that there are so many amazing places to go on dates. I've lived here for five years and still haven't seen some of the breathtaking sights this city has to offer. Dating Washington dc is great and I look forward to some fun dates in the near future.


About the Author

Seduce A Woman Successfully Through The Secrets Of Seduction

Most men who surf the World Wide Web look for the same thing: effective dating advice for men. If you're a guy who wants to learn how to seduce a woman, or maybe wishes to find out how to attract any girl, then, you've reached the right write-up. Below are several secrets of seduction and attraction that will teach you the information that you're looking for and will help you never have problems again with picking up women, dating the females, and getting them to your bed:

1. Do what the other males don't do.

If you're interested in a girl and she's the type who has various men ‘falling at her feet', do the opposite. Ignore her, or act as if she doesn't interest you. This will make you a challenge for that girl, and eventually, she'll become interested in you. Being ‘different' from other guys therefore can be considered a good dating advice for men that you should try.

2. Be charismatic.

To seduce a woman, most of the time, you have to project a warm, charming, or charismatic image. This means being friends with a lot of people, having an outgoing personality, and the like. If you're someone who's always a loner in a party, or are not able to mingle with other people, then, you can't expect to attract any girl that easily. Being charismatic is one of the secrets of seduction that can really help you become a Casanova.

3. Dish out compliments.

Another must try dating advice for men is for you to flatter her or praise her. It can be as simple as complimenting her on her perfume or scent, telling her the new hairstyle really suits her, and so on. Flattery or compliments usually work well if you want to seduce a woman – you just have to keep them at a minimum, in other words, do not go over board as that may make you sound insincere.

4. Always exude self-confidence.

Confidence is also needed if you yearn to attract any girl. In fact, having confidence is part of the list of the secrets of seduction that really work. To show to her that you are confident, you can do these things: never be afraid to make eye contact with her and hold that gaze; be able to smile and talk to her without a shaking voice; acting normally e.g. not acting as if she were a famous Hollywood actress and you are just a fan; and so forth. Even if you are not a hunk or drop dead gorgeous, you'll still have huge chances to attract any girl if you have the self confidence.

These are very much effective techniques that you can employ if you want to be able to seduce a woman successfully. By putting into practice these secrets of seduction and dating advice for men, you'll be the guy women love and other men are envious of.

About the Author

Karen Winton is an expert on dating. Attract and seduce women with no difficulties. Follow: Secret Method For Getting The Girl. To start being a ‘playboy', follow advices from: House Party PUA.

Do you lose friends when in a relationship?

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. So how can one sacrifice this feeling for anything in the world? Friendship is the essence of life. Losing a true friend is the biggest loss that you could ever face all your life. So what happens when these two relationships are placed side by side. What happens when your friendship is at stake because of the love of your life? How do you blend in the two relationships in such a way that both the parties are happy and so are you? Below you will find answers to all these questions that you might be having. Keep reading.

Do you lose friends when in a relationship? The choice is yours. Many a times we find instances where people fall so much in love, that they don't even bother to keep in touch with their friends. This lays down the roots for problems with their friends. Friends in turn begin to get insecure about this new person and also tend to develop hatred towards them. Another situation is when some people value their friends so much that they prioritize them even above the one whom they are having a relationship with. The first bad outcome of this kind of behavior is that your partner will feel that you don't value or love them enough. The second outcome is that your friends may take you for granted and expect you to ditch your partner all the time for their sake. So as you see in both the cases, it will ultimately lead to your own downfall. You will just end up getting suffocated with time. Hence it is important to maintain a good balance between your lover and your friends. See that you spend enough time with both of them. Don't ignore either party. Losing touch with your friends would be a very mean thing to do. Plan outings with them once in a while. Meet up with them sometimes without your partner and keep yourself updated about things in their lives. Also see that whatever happens you are there for them when they really need you. As far as your partner is concerned, they have to be your number one priority. Even your friends should be understanding this. You certainly cannot keep choosing your friends over your partner all the time, or else they may begin to doubt your loyalty. So see that you give sufficient time to your partner. Sometimes you can also take them to meet your friends.   

It is very important that your friends and your partner is also understanding. Only then will you be able to make both your friends as well as your partner happy.

About the Author

The author writes quizzes for girls on love and dating. He also writes love poems which you can share with everyone. He is also a contributing blogger on relationships in mag for women.

What Men Want In A Woman No 45: A Nice Pair Of Ears

What men want in a woman is someone who knows how to use their ears. Obviously what I'm referring to is listening. But hold on... isn't the man usually the one who gets in trouble for not listening? Why shouldn't men be given this mark of respect too? Only because we mess around, act silly and say stupid things, doesn't mean that we don't deserve your attention either. I know that when my wife doesn't listen to me, I get annoyed too. Do you hate how you have to repeat yourself? Guess what? Men do too. Here's how to listen to men.

1. He Talks Like You

The common belief is that women talk in code. They say something, but mean something else. That, or they say something and imply something else that comes a bit later in the chain of logic.

Us men do it as well. We might say something, but mean something else too. Not all guys are direct about sex, for example. We like to play your "implication game" as much as you do. Listen up and you'll get onto our wavelength.

2. Repeat His Rubbish

What you might consider rubbish talk from a man, i.e. stuff about sport, babes, etc. is actually stuff that we care about. We said it on our own accord, didn't we?

If you constantly turn your nose up at it, fine. We don't care that it displeases you. But if you jump in occasionally and show that you can be one of the guys, you might just take him off guard and show that you are listening to stuff that he cares about.

3. Our Schedule

Something that particularly drives me up with wall with regards to my wife is that she forgets when I have certain things on. They can be work-related things or social events.

She sometimes plans things just with me and her and when she finds out that they clash with my events, she gets upset. I always make an effort to tell her early. If she simply listened and wrote it down, she wouldn't be that upset.

What men want in a woman is someone who learns how to listen to her man. We might not say much and when we do talk, it might predominantly be rubbish, but we want to be listened to just as much as you do, if not more. Demonstrate that you are listening and your man will appreciate you all that much more.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman No 43: A Carpenter

What men want in a woman is a carpenter, i.e. someone who is constructive. This is an important task that the wife is meant to take control of. The wife is in a critical position where she's close enough to the man to actually deal some damage to his ego. Obviously, she doesn't want to be contemptuous and purposely hurt his ego. That will drive her away from him. She does have to deal "damage" sometimes, but in strategic ways. Below, I will outline when you should support your man and be constructive and when you should have a go at his ego to be constructive instead.

1. He's genuinely sorry: constructive

There was this one time that I was taking an ex of mine on a date. It was her birthday. I was parking in a space that was quite narrow and accidentally scraped a car. I felt pretty bad, essentially ruining her day.

If she were to have a go at me and put down my parking skills, there could not have been much that we could have gained from that in terms of building up our relationship. She instead softened up and simply said, "don't worry, that's OK."

2. He's cocky: "hurt" him

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't cocky at certain times. This bad side of me particularly comes out when I'm playing sport. I'm known to get agro on the court or the field, depending on what sport I'm playing.

She sits from the sidelines and watches me play sometimes. When there's a time out, she isn't afraid to come up to me and physically give me a slap on the shoulder and say, "stop being an idiot. You're looking like a tool out there." That humbles me and makes me focus on the game instead of me.

3. He's arguing with you: either/or

This is a particularly sticky situation that I wouldn't feel comfortable giving one answer for. There have been times when my wife has bagged me when we got into an argument about something that mattered to me where I've come close to walking out the door.

In other times, she hasn't attacked me and instead got more and more upset through the course of the argument. If she'd simply maintained her composure and told me to harden up, that would have actually diffused things. Just get to know your man and you'll learn what to do.

What men want in a woman is a carpenter in the relationship, i.e. someone who is constructive and will build them up, not tear them down. This involves knowing when to attack and when to support the man. If you do it right, he will respect you and cherish you for making him a stronger person.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: Ladies First

What men want in a woman is confidence to make the first move. Traditionally, men are thought to be the leaders, the pursuers, the ones who take action. If there ever is a woman who exhibits these traits, she is inherently attractive to men. Us men secretly would love it if a woman took more action and initiative, especially in matters deemed to be important to both of us. It's just something that would be really impressive, especially if the woman isn't like that usually. Here are three ways that my wife initiates that impresses me:

1. Gets to know my friends

Whenever you're out with friends, you always expect that your wife is somewhat close off. Maybe she isn't naturally sociable, maybe she's just shy. We all know that it would be awesome if all our friends got along, simply for the introducer's sake.

As the wife, she's an important "friend", so if she made the effort to chat and get to know my friends, it'd be like knowing me better too, since my friends make me who I am. It also shows that you (the wife) are a good catch as well.

2. Plan the night

The importance of "dating" even after your married is important, simply for the sake of keeping things fun. Of course, I'm referring to dating your husband, not another man. Even when you were dating, the man probably had the last decision as to what to do. How do you think he would feel if you called the shots this time round?

Having you take him around here and there, it would seem sort of weird, but trust me, us guys do also like being spoilt once in a while as well. Makes us appreciate you more too, for putting in the effort.

3. Deals with strangers

This is something else that everyone is usually uncomfortable to deal with. Whether it be someone at the door, someone on the phone or someone in public, dealing with people you don't know is an everyday occurrence. If we're out together, it's usually the male that deals with them.

If the woman did it, it would strengthen us. We would be able to back each other up (if the stranger was threatening) and basically keep an eye out for each other. Not many wives do this but believe it or not, us guys would love you to support us out there.

Ladies, it's your move. What do you propose to do to see to it that your man loves you more than ever?

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: Just The Facts, Ma'am

What men want in a woman is someone who doesn't jump to conclusions. Us guys say things as they are, but sometimes, this can be misconstrued as meaning something completely different. Often, the degree of how different the meaning of what we say can be thought to be depends on your mood and how you're feeling at the time. It takes a lot for a woman to put all that aside and to see facts as facts. If you don't, you may be causing unnecessary pain in the relationship that could result in distance between you and your man or even worse, a divorce. Here's three things that women tend to assume that cause trouble for relationships.

1. Lateness means no respect

Some people are always tardy. You can't help that. They come over to your house, party or function late, simply based on how they feel. Of course, this could be the social norm from where you come from, but if you make it clear you want them there at a certain time, they have to be there.

When us guys are late, it could be for so many reasons. Maybe we were late because you left us a lot of things to do before we got to your place. We could be late because of traffic. We could be late because of things out of our control.

2. We're Lazy When Really We're Not

Some guys come back home and they're absolutely drained. They have no more energy to even move. Maybe they're newlyweds and they're working two jobs to try to keep the ship afloat. That's fair enough.

What's not fair enough is when the man is deemed to be lazy when he's really been doing a lot for the relationship. Maybe he's had a rough day at work. Maybe he's had a rough encounter at work with the boss/colleagues. Whatever it is, think about how our laziness could really mean that we're just tired.

3. We're Being Stingy

This is probably one of the most common things that women assume that causes havoc in a relationship. Men are stingy with their money. I'd be the first to admit that I'm pretty stingy. My wife hates it, but I'm stingy for a few good reasons.

I'm often thinking about the future and having money to spend on gifts for birthdays for other friends. They can get pretty expensive. Another big thing that comes out of my account is simply bills. She has paid before, but I pay most of the time. If I could pay more, I would.

What men want in a woman is someone who sees things as they are and doesn't insert any unnecessary emotion into her thoughts. The last thing we want is to upset you without even trying.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

Learn Speed Dating in NYC

Speed dating in NYC continues to be made well-known and popular through the Television sequence Sex and also the Metropolis! This dating program as such is utilized more and more often as portion of a collective effort to improve 'love life' within the Big Apple, and make people happier. Agencies which have the initiative throw an occasion exactly where men and women are rotated to fulfill one another inside a sequence of extremely brief dates lasting between three and 8 minutes. The participants have to transfer towards the next date once they listen to a bell ringing.

At the end, every participator submits a list with those people whom he/she would prefer to get in contact with. If there's a match, each party will receive the contact details. Within the effort to reduce the stress of accepting or rejecting a suitor, contact information can't be traded during the initial assembly. This really is the primary rule to comply with, and it is a great one because no one gets harm or becomes publicly embarrassed. Speed dating in NYC also includes a much more specialized dimension also.

Plenty of coordinators provide niche events for youthful women with more mature men, and vice-versa, for book lovers, for cultural teams, for graduates, for individuals who are religiously associated, for gays as well as lesbians. In most cases, advance registration is needed for each occasion. Early repayment by credit card could be produced online. Companies generally try to get a precise number of men and women, and even create wait-lists while essential. However this isn't usually the situation, as a few events are designed much more like a party and also the precise number of people is not considered a must. There ought to nonetheless be an estimated match.

There are plenty of agencies that arrange speed dating in NYC. A few events are held within the exact same portion of the metropolitan area, like Manhattan or Rhode Island, whilst other events are thrown in many locations and with different uniqueness. Whichever are the situation, speed dating is more time effective and advantageous than going to plenty of venues to fulfill people. In addition, the structured interaction gets rid of the need to introduce themselves. In bars and discotheques, it is generally too noisy to have a good and effective discussion.

In addition, the truth that the date lasts for just a few minutes, saves you from becoming within the organization of incompatible matches for too long. The actual matching happens after the occasion and no one has to select or reject somebody directly. Speed dating in NYC ought to be really entertaining. Make time for you to go to such an occasion. It is a brand-new and humorous chance to fulfill somebody brand-new!

Have fun!

About the Author

The Author is a literary master and have written tons of books on love and romance. He is involved in all sorts of websites and niches. He loves to write so he writes everything on his websites. Check out his latest article about Art of Approaching Review on his website. Yes, his website is all about How to Flirt Women. See you there!

The Best Matchmaker Sites Make Love Happen

I really hate being disrespected. I do not understand why people would rather ignore the person they are with to talk to someone else on the phone who is not around. I was supposed to be on a date with a guy who just could not seem to stay off the phone. This happened on the last date I was on. I met the guy at a local cafe and it had a large outdoor area. I saw the guy because he waved at me, and then put his hand over the phone and told me he'd be off in a minute.

So, I waited politely. Ten minutes later and he was still blabbing about things. I tapped him and asked him if he was planning on wrapping it up. He told the person he was on the phone that he had to go, and then continued talking! So, I got up and went to my car. I heard him say he has to go, and then he chased me down. He asked me what's wrong. Before I could even answer, his phone rang again, and he promptly looked at the caller ID and picked it up.

At that point, I hopped in my car and left after that. I have since then been matched up by so called successful matchmakers, otherwise known as my friends who thought I would be great with this guy or that. I wish I could say that they had worked out. Unfortunately, the guys they all picked out for me were incredibly shallow and vain. I was hoping to find someone with a little more depth than them.

So, I decided to try online dating. They had a very good track record of the best matchmaker sites, and a couple of my friends swore that they were the best in the business. Online dating really works and they do know what they are doing.

If you have not tried them yet, get to their website and fill out their singles profile information. You will not be disappointed. I have been dating Ken for a little over eight months, and I am head over heels in love with this man. Please give it a chance for the sake of your happiness.

About the Author

Lizzy B is an experienced writer on relationships and the dating industry. She has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Lizzy's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature professional singles, relationships, and matchmaking services. Lizzy's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

Falling In Love Again With the Help Of Mature Dating Sites

I was in love once with a very wonderful man. I wish that we could have had a longer time together, but he passed away two years ago. I almost followed him. We spent twenty wonderful years together, but unfortunately he did not take care of himself and watch his weight. He ended up very obese and his health started to decline. I tried to convince him to exercise, and I made sure to watch his diet. However, he was strong willed and stubborn and always cheated on his diet. I would catch him all the time with an unhealthy hoagy sandwich. No matter how much I lectured him he always laughed and then would say, "What good is life if I can't enjoy what I want?"

After he passed away, I was so very sad and lonely. I did not think that at my age that I could ever meet another man. I did not ever think to try a mature dating website until after some of my bridge club friends told me I should. They have never steered me wrong. They really helped me through the worst of times after my husband died. I could not ask for a better support system than that. We always joked that if our friend Emma could find a man at the age of 84, then young ladies like us who were 65 could definitely find a man.

I signed up on one of the mature dating sites that you see advertised everywhere about three months ago. I met Earl three weeks after my granddaughter helped me sign up on the site. She helped type all the information and negotiate all the little links. Earl took me out to a nice restaurant and we just had a really good time together. I never expected to have another connection with someone else after my husband died, but thanks to online dating, life is again worth living.

If you have not tried online dating, you might want to give it a shot. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes they are worth a little adventure. Plus, you don't have anything to lose!

About the Author

Lizzy B is an experienced writer on relationships and the dating industry. She has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Lizzy's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature professional singles, relationships, and matchmaking services. Lizzy's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

How To React When You Meet Your Boyfriend's Ex

Wouldn't it be so much easier if every relationship in our past had ended on a good note? Unfortunately that is not always the case. Often relationships end and in the bargain we hurt our exes. But an even more unfortunate part is when these past relationships tend to effect and influence our present relationships. Your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is someone whom may have the power to create insecurity in your relationship. Here are few ways how you should react when you meet your boyfriend ex.

Firstly treat her like just somebody else. You don't have to behave with her in a different manner because she is your boyfriend's ex. Just like how you have a past, so does she. Just because she is your boyfriend's ex, it doesn't make her a bitch. So treat her with respect. This doesn't mean that you have to over do it. Don't go out of your way to be sweet to her, because that will only make her suspicious. No matter how hard it is for you, act normal. Try to hide any kind of awkwardness. If your boyfriend is with you, while she is around. Avoid getting too mushy with him, or she may think that you doing that only to make her jealous. When he introduces you to her, don't put on that bitchy face or try to pass on your catty message to her via telepathy. You trying to do that, will only prove that you are insecure about her. Instead smile confidently and shake hands with her just like you would if he introduced a friend to you. If the situation permits and you are forced to talk to her, keep the conversation very general. Avoid talking about personal issues, especially the topic about your boyfriend. There are so many things that two girls can talk about, for example the weather, food, shopping, etc. Talk to her the way you would talk to any other girlfriend. Two girls can surely have fun, even if she is your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, provided you treat her like just another girl. If you are not enjoying, talk for a little time, make a good excuse and go somewhere else. If you are enjoying her company nothing is wrong to continue talking to her. At the end finish the conversation and say a kind goodbye to her.

Your boyfriend's ex can be a very important factor to cause insecurities and various problems in your current relationship. Hence behave in the right manner and you will have the power to shrug off so many possible problems, far away.

About the Author

The author writes quizzes for girls on love and dating. He also writes relationship advice for those who are seeking guidance in love. He is also a contributing blogger on relationships in mag for women.

What Men Want In A Woman: A Woman Comfortable In Her Own Skin

What men want in a woman is someone who is comfortable being themselves. There is nothing more unattractive than a woman who feels that she has to put on a mask whenever she's out with different groups of people. There's being considerate and respectful for your elders or your superiors and then there's just being plain conceited. Being comfortable in your own skin has numerous benefits that are actually crucial for a healthy marriage. What are they? I'll discuss them below.

1. Confidence

Ah, confidence. That word that gets thrown around so much and yet is so hard to understand. People seem to know what confidence is when they see it in other people, but it's one of those things that seem pretty hard to find in yourself.

I'm sure you would be aware of when you are feeling confident or not. It's a gut feeling, isn't it? Here's something that I hope you will realize one day. This is from someone who used to lack confidence, then discovered the truth about it: "confidence isn't something you learn, or get. Everyone is born confident. You just have to learn how to act yourself when you're most comfortable. That is your natural confidence."

See the parallels with being comfortable in your own skin?

2. Easier to love

No joke ladies, if you want your man to love you more, simply stop trying so hard. If you put in the effort to look pretty and all, we'll appreciate it sure, but realize that we got married to you not because we want to see you with make up every single day, it's because we want to see you every day as you are.

Make up is there to show off, not to hide. If you've made hiding your imperfections a habit, it's something you've got to unlearn if you want your man to love you more.

3. Happier!

Women who are comfortable in their own skin don't try so hard in life. Because they don't try so hard in life, they take it easy. Because they take it easy, they're not as stressed out. Because they're not as stressed out, they're happier. Because they're happier, they're more comfortable in their own skin.

See the pattern there? It comes back to how you feel about yourself and the extent that you let other people affect your perception of yourself.

What men want in a woman is someone who loves themselves the way they are. Us men don't get married to you for what you want to be. We get married to you for what you are. If you take her away, it's going to hard to love someone who you're not.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: The Body

What men want in a woman is a woman with a beautiful body. There, I said it. I've held out long enough, but there's only so much a man can do before he has to acknowledge the beauty of the female body. I can vouch for most guys when I say that the female body is best when the female is fittest. Note that I said fittest and not skinniest. You can be big but fit. Conversely, you can be skinny but unhealthy. If you aren't doing at least once exercise daily (any exercise), you are hurting your chances of having your man around for much longer. 3 reasons why are below.

1. Let's Make Babies

I'm going to get straight to the point here: we are all here to reproduce. We're all here to make babies and make sure that our lineage exists in the next generation. It's biologically proven and we've been doing it for thousands of years.

A fit woman in the man's eyes is a better candidate for our child than a woman who's unfit. We don't want an unfit women looking after our child. We want the best for our child, so we want our wife to look after herself first.

2. Self-Respect

Woman who are fit look after themselves. They spend more time on themselves and make sure that they're physically fit and attractive. Hey, if you work hard to look good, then you deserve to show it off, girlfriend!

Ahem. But seriously. We all know that the person who spend a lot of time on themselves values their time, so the time they spend on a person instead of themselves must have a lot of value. We come to appreciate those sort of people for the value they put on us. Do you value your time?

3. Live Longer

Again, I don't have the scientific proof, but it's pretty safe to say that the more active you are, the longer you will live. Pretty straightforward stuff, isn't it? If you care even a little bit about yourself, you will put in the effort to make sure that you hang around for many years to come.

Seriously, if you simply do just 20 push ups a day, your body will adjust to that. You will get fitter, stronger, healthier and sexier. It's even more important as a wife, since you'll be so much busier, what with kids a job and a husband.

What men want in a woman is someone who's fit. She has so much on her plate, so it's important for her to be in tip-top shape. By looking after herself, she's basically looking after her marriage.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: All Things Feminine

What men want in a woman is a woman who knows how to be a woman. Confused? Let me explain. Men get married to women because they like women. True? OK. What do men like about women? Plenty of things! We could go on and on and on about what we like about women until the cows come home. There's a joke that's been around for eons and that's women stop being women when they become wives. Why should that be true? You can be just as feminine and sexy as a wife than you were when you were dating. Here's how.

1. Stay in shape!

This is probably one of the best starting points when it comes to staying womanly. We love the curves on a woman. Some guys love it when the girl has a bit extra (like me). However, there will be a certain point where it's just... too much.

I'm not asking you to be an anorexic. All you have to do is stay in shape. Don't lose weight, just be healthy. When you're healthy, you're happier and less stressed out too.

2. You're a woman before a wife

This is a good mentality to have. A lot of women are so busy being a wife that they forget to be a woman. They basically become a mother. What man finds their mothers attractive? They wonder why the man stops finding them attractive.

It might be a lot harder, but there's no reason that you can't continue doing the things that you did when you and your husband were still dating. Having that one day or night just to yourselves is important for the health of your marriage.

3. Ask Your Man!

You shouldn't forget the best resource for finding out how to be womanly if you think that you've lost touch with your inner femininity: your husband! Ask your husband what he found attractive about you and work to make up for lost ground.

Also, try out new things for couples and singles, such as classical dancing or pole dancing, respectively. Whatever it takes to be more female to your man. The keyword here is to your man; don't do something that turns him off! Make sure to ask him first!

What men want in a woman is a woman. Remember: you're a woman before a wife! Have that mentality if you want a happy, long-lasting marriage.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: Women Who Are Quiet At The Right Time

What men want in a woman is someone who knows when to be quiet at the right time. It's been proven that women can speak up to 5 times as much in one day as an average man. Then again, women can choose to say nothing at all, if they wish scare their man (ie. the cold shoulder). Contrary to popular belief, men do know how to listen, it's just that we don't like it when women inject unnecessary emotion into a situation. We want to solve it, but we find sometimes that women make it harder to solve by voicing their thoughts. Here's how to know when speaking is not getting through to your husband.

1. We don't respond to you

Men have this technique called "stonewalling" where we simply block our wife out if she find that she's not making the situation any easier to solve by being too emotional when she speaks.

It's not that we don't care, it's just a natural mechanism we use to try and focus on what's important. Women can say things multiple times before it gets through to their man. If he stonewalls, that's a sign that he's heard it enough times.

2. We do something else

Something else men do to communicate to their woman that they've heard them loud and clear is that they get up and do something else instead of listening to their wife.

By doing something else, we give the impression that we're busy to you. We want to deal with the problem, but as long as you're saying too much, there's not much we can do. That's why we try to do something else until we figure out how to fix the problem.

3. We yell

As much as we don't like it, we sometimes have to yell to make ourselves heard. Yelling is almost like hitting a woman to us, so we try and refrain from it (that's how I feel about it anyway). However, if we have to get through to you, we'll do it.

Sometimes, it's enough to get through to a woman. Other times, it makes thing worse. At any rate, it's a sign that we don't want to listen anymore.

What men want in a woman is someone who knows that we've heard enough. If you're talking simply to be condescending, that's just annoying. However, if you're upset about something and trying to get us to listen, if we stonewall, do something else or yell, please understand that we're just trying to tell you that we've already heard you.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: Someone Who Sees The Lighter Side Of Life

What men want in a woman is someone who doesn't take life so seriously. A lot of couples plan out their entire lives together, only to find that due to a small hiccup, eg. Unexpected baby, death in the family, promotion, etc. their entire plans are thrown out of balance. If you can't adapt to change that might happen tomorrow, you could be doing your marriage damage. Men who marry women who can take it easy and who realize that everything's going to be OK have lower stress levels. Their men also appreciate them more for not making matters worse. Here's three ways you can see the lighter side of life, starting immediately.

1. Realize that nothing is forever

When did you last see your husband? This morning, before he left for work? Yesterday? A few hours ago? Anything can happen. He could be gone, in an instant. He might slip and fall. He might have a heart attack, or a brain haemorrhage.

Women who plan to have their man around forever get destroyed when this sort of thing happens. Their entire future is in tatters. That won't be you if you realize that all things come to an end. Make the most of your man while you can. This will change your mind set for the better.

2. Everything will be OK

Sometimes, things are going well. You're cruising through life. You're married to the man of your dreams, he's got a good job, you're both stable. Then BAM. He gets fired, you're left with a mortgage and things don't seem so certain anymore.

People who cling onto hope, perish. People who get depressed don't pull through. People who face up to the reality of the situation come out the other end stronger. All because they realize that everything will be OK. It's not the end of the world.

3. Laugh at little things

Remember when you were a kid and everything was funny? Why can you be like that right now? I often laugh at dumb things, like when someone falls over. Is that considered immature?

It shouldn't be. If your man is overly serious, get him to live in the moment and find humor from the little things in life. He'll appreciate you for it.

What men want in a woman is someone who can teach him how to laugh and enjoy the little things in life, someone who they can pull through the tough times in life with and someone who realizes that every moment spent together could be their last. It's hard not to love a woman like that.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: Positive Women

What men want in a woman is someone who is positive in life. This isn't another article about telling you how to see the glass as half-full, it's more so an article that explains why men need a woman who is positive. If she is positive about her outlook in life, as well as how she feels about herself, the man will shower her with affection naturally. There's nothing you can't love about a woman who's positive, unless she's unnaturally positive all the time. Here are three aspects of life your husband wants to see that you're more positive about.

1. Yourself

You can't love anyone who doesn't love themselves. Some women simply can't take it if they give themselves praise. They think that by praising themselves, they're relaxing, or dropping their guard.

What's so attractive about a woman who's on guard all the time? My sister is an example of someone who is never happy with herself. Whatever you have, someone else might kill to have.

2. What you own

There are plenty of women out there who wish that they have more than what they currently own. They either express their wishes to their husbands, or they simply envy other women who have more than they do.

Like I said in the previous post, you have a lot that many women would never even have the chance to own. By realizing this and being more appreciative of what you have, you will start emitting vibes that make you easier to love. That's also how the abundance mindset works!

3. Us! (your husband)

Us guys aren't perfect. You did get married to us, so can you remember why you married us? If you can't remember, just realize that plenty of women out there die alone. Would you be happy dying alone?

Of course you wouldn't. No one would. If you're more positive, hopefully you're come to appreciate us more too. Maybe the reason that you're not getting much love from us is because you're simply taking us for granted.

What men want in a woman is someone who's positive. She appreciates us for what we are, what she owns and her own assets. Women who can do this are easier to love. If you think that you're not positive enough, just take a trip to some of the seedier parts of your town. Or if you get the change to go to a third-world country, that will open up your eyes.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In a Woman: Drop It

What men want in a woman is for them to let sleeping dogs lie. I don't know about you, but my wife loves occasionally pulling out the odd embarrassing story about me and letting all my mates know about it. She knows I hate it, but she does it anyway. That's OK. What's not OK is when the wife uses that negative aspect of her man as a weapon against him in an argument, simply for the intention to main and hurt. Not cool. There are better ways to make a point in an argument against your man where you don't have to go for the jugular. Here's three ways to argue with respect.

1. Use logic

In general (and that's a very big, "in general), women argue with emotion while men argue with logic. Now, I'm going to get a lot of, "Oh Jack, you're so sexist, that's not true!" I know it's not true, but bear with me here. If you use emotion to argue, you're never going to get anywhere, regardless of what gender you are.

Use logic to argue your argument. Although most arguments tend to be emotional, if both of you try to keep it logical and rational, you actually work things out.

2. Ask Him What He Wants

Pretty simple, but most people simply end up arguing for the sake of arguing. It's pretty stupid, but people do end up doing that a lot. As someone who studied marketing, I'd like to apply an analogy to this situation.

If you want to solve your market's (your husband's) problem, simply ask him what he wants and give it to him. No point wasting oxygen getting nowhere. Ask him, give it to him, problem solved. He'll get used to doing the same for you.

3. Verbal Judo

This is an effective technique that has been around for quite a few decades now. It basically revolves around the concept of the Japanese martial art, Judo. In Judo, you don't throw punches. You absorb the direction your opponent's punch is going in so no one gets hurt.

In a verbal argument, the equivalent of doing this is asking something like, "I see you're upset about [this]. How would you suggest we fix this problem?" No accusations, no anger. Just cool, calm collectedness.

What men want in a woman is someone who knows how to argue effectively. It's impossible not to argue. If you argue without emotion, you're already half way there. Try these three ways and your man will notice the difference and will appreciate you more afterwards.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: For You To Pick Up Men

What men want in a woman is someone who is able to pick up men. This seems a little bit crazy; when you get married to someone, you vow to be with them "til death do us part". Of course, that's true. I wouldn't want to violate something like that that's been around for centuries. When I tell you to pick up men, I don't literally mean for you to pick them up and take them home. I'm just referring to the skill of picking up. As you'll soon see below, being able to pick up men, even after your married is essential to having a good relationship with your husband. Here are 3 reasons why.

1. He can't chase you if you ain't running

So being in a relationship is all about someone chasing someone, right? Well, not really. It's two people chasing one another. When one person chases someone else, they have to catch them. The other person is then "it" and they have to catch the other person.

If you aren't playing this perpetual game of "tiggy" with your husband, your marriage will stagnate. By picking men up, you're showing that you can still get men to chase you. Basically, you have to show them that you can outrun them to your wife.

2. Keeps you "active"

Playing hard to get like this is like real life. If you're out of the game for a long time, you'll feel quite sluggish if you try to get back in the game. Picking up will be sluggish, awkward and clumsy and you'll basically feel old.

Your man will feel the need to protect you if he sees men trying to pick you up if you're out together at night.

3. Ask him to do the same!

If you let your man go out and try to pick up women, pay attention to the feelings that go through your mind from the moment he gives you the wedding ring. When goes out as a single man, keep an eye out and see who he attracts.

The whole point of this game is integrity. If someone gets too jealous, it's game over, but if you can keep it fun and show each other that you still both can pick up members of the opposite sex, this will boost your marriage and keep it strong.

What men want is a woman who is able to prove to him that she's still attractive. It's easier said than done; if you both play this once in a while when you go out together, it gives you a greater appreciation of each other too.

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.

What Men Want In A Woman: A Self-Assured Woman

What men want in a woman is someone who is self-assured. Another word for this is someone who is assertive. They know what they want in life. They know what they're on the world to do. They know how they feel about themselves, the people around them and their husbands and no one can change that opinion. There are people who are easily swayed by people who bad-mouth others or gossip. If you're self-assured, you can be assured of the fact that your man will appreciate your strength and tenacity. Here are three reasons why he likes that about you.

1. You have standards

There is nothing worse than a woman who doesn't respect herself. We are in a modern age where women are on par with men. Same income, same rights, same everything. Still, women are neglected when it comes to relationships. They allow themselves to be walked all over by men.

Women who have standards are firm about them and no matter the amount of social pressure, etc. they are able to abide by their own laws. To a man, that's an attractive quality to have.

2. You are confident

Women who know what they want in life are confident. Women who are ambitious know what they want in life. Women who are married know that what they wanted was to find a man that would make her happy. If she got married for any reason other than that, she's in denial.

As much as a loyal man is important to a marriage, having a woman who has similar beliefs is also integral to a happy relationship. If you aren't confident about your marriage, then how can your man be confident in you?

3. It's rare to find women who are self-assured

For the simple fact that it's still reasonably uncommon to find women who are self-assured, men would love to be married to someone who displays this uncommon trait. You're considered a lot more valuable because you're harder to find.

What men want is a woman who is self-assured. If you can show that you have personal standards that you always stick by and that you are confident about what you want from your marriage, you're a rare specimen and your man is going to appreciate that. Be self-assured and I can assure you that you will be loved by your husband. Do you think you are self-assured enough?

About the Author

Which is better: relationship advice from a woman who's had a lot of experience with men, or having the man of your dreams tell you exactly what you have to do to never make him look at another woman ever again?

The second thing is too good to be true, but if you visit, you'll learn something just as powerful: the ability to find out what you're doing that's making men not want to be close to you.

I've also got a short, 13-page report up at that will show you 10 ways to stop your man from leaving you for someone better. But be quick... these links might have to be removed soon and I can't promise that they'll be there tomorrow.